Vertebral Arthritis Risk Factors: It is critical to identify risk factors in order to avoid sickness. Knowing the risk factors for vertebral arthritis allows you to take preventative actions and live a long, symptom-free life. Of course, seeing a spine expert at the earliest sign of symptoms is critical. We can discuss more about Vertebral Arthritis Risk Factors.

Our Spine Specialists at KLM Group Gwalior employ cutting-edge technologies to correctly diagnose and give a tailored treatment plan. Failure to do so might aggravate symptoms and arthritis. We can discuss more about Vertebral Arthritis Risk Factors.
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Cervical (neck), thoracic (mid-back), and lumbar (lower back) vertebral arthritis can occur. Among the symptoms are:
· Difficulty sitting, standing or bearing weight
· Sciatica
· Spine and/or extremity pain
· Stiffness
· Swelling
Risk Factor #1: Weight
Because extra weight causes strain on the spine, it is more difficult for overweight and obese people to maintain correct posture and engage in physical activity. The architecture of the spine may be changed, and discs and soft tissues may be injured.
The most effective preventative strategy patients can take is to monitor their weight and, if required, gradually drop it.
Weighing oneself 2-3 times each week is an excellent idea. Weight fluctuations are natural; however, consistently increasing weight indicates that a change in food and activity is required. If assistance is required, a physical therapist, personal trainer, and nutritionist can be contacted.

Risk Factor #2: Injury
An injury to the spine might result in either early onset or posttraumatic arthritis. Accidents, sports, and hard lifting are all major causes of injury. It is usually essential to take measures when driving a car or riding a motorbike and operating from lofty positions.
Sports and physical activities must be carried out with good technique. Heavy things should never be lifted alone, and huge loads should be transported one at a time. An assistive brace can be used if necessary.

Risk Factor #3: Age
Symptoms of arthritis commonly appear around the age of 45. Recognizing and treating symptoms expedites their resolution and prevents arthritis severity from worsening. Rest, activity moderation, ice, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs are all simple therapeutic alternatives.
If these treatments do not relieve your problems, schedule a consultation with a KLM Group Gwalior Spine Specialist.

Making an Appointment
Dr. Vipin Garg, a highly qualified Spine Specialist at the KLM Group Gwalior, is an expert in vertebral arthritis. If you are experiencing symptoms of vertebral arthritis, please call our office at 12, Saraswati Nagar, University Road, Near Silver Estate, Thatipur, Gwalior 474006 to schedule an appointment.
Address: 12, Saraswati Nagar, University Road, Near Silver Estate, Thatipur, Gwalior 474006 Mob: 7804826825 Ph: 0751-4000721 Website: Email: /