Rotator CUFF is the answer. We understand that people are still getting to know their shoulder because there are over 1,000 searches each month for “Rotator Cup” on Google… The correct term is “Rotator Cuff,” which refers to a group of muscles and tendons that surround the top of the arm and shoulder and are named as such because they resemble a cuff around that part of the body. HOW COMMON ARE ROTATOR CUFF INJURIES? Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.
The Rotator Cuff is subjected to a lot of wear and tear as we get older and participate in the sports and activities that we enjoy, regardless of our age. In 2021, we continue to encounter many Rotator Cuff injuries among patients of all ages in our orthopedic clinics in Northern California. Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.
The anatomy of the shoulder is rather intricate, as you can see in the figure. It’s a big joint that gets a lot of use, turning in different directions to give us arm flexibility and strength. The Rotator Cuff is a set of muscles and tendons that connect the upper arm bone (humerus) to the shoulder blade. It is not a single muscle or tendon (scapula). It allows you to move your arm in a variety of ways while maintaining it firmly in your shoulder socket. What a multi-tasker you are! Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.

- Tendons connect muscles to bones, therefore each muscle has a corresponding tendon that connects it to the humerus on one end and the scapula on the other. The Rotator Cuff is made up of the tendons of four muscles.
- 1. Supraspinatus, which is in charge of lifting and moving the arm away from the body.
- 2. Subscapularis, which turns the arm inward to move it (internal rotation)
- 3. Infraspinatus, which assists in arm lifting during outward rotation (external rotation).
- 4. Teres Minor, which aids in the arm’s outward movement (external rotation).
While there are a variety of injuries and conditions that can occur in the Rotator Cuff area, they usually fall into one of two categories:
1. Injuries and conditions caused by normal wear and tear
Acute (sudden) injury is a type of injury that occurs suddenly.
We frequently see tears of the Rotator Cuff tendon, regardless of the reason.
Though a Rotator Cuff tendon tear is the most common shoulder injury we see, it’s crucial to get a professional diagnosis from your orthopaedic doctor because the shoulder can be injured in a variety of ways, including bone, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and the bursa sac (a sac of fluid which acts as a cushion in the body, for example between tissue and bone). Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.

In order to accurately assess what injury or condition you have, your orthopaedic specialist will have you execute extremely specific motions during an evaluation to determine which movements you can and cannot accomplish. A diagnostic picture, such as an MRI, may be required at some point during the therapy to determine the specific location of the damage. Different injuries and diseases may necessitate various treatment options. While we always try to start as conservatively as possible, if you have a serious tendon tear, surgery may be required right away to prevent potential long-term damage. Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.
We are continually on the lookout for new treatment methods and creative items that will complement our expertise and increase the quality of care for our patients in our orthopaedic clinics. We believe it is critical that we educate our patients about their injury or condition, as well as the solutions open to them.
The quality of the tendon tissue after surgery may be so poor, depending on the individual and the severity of the injury, that there is a chance of re-tear or just partial healing. There are new technologies that can help us improve the effectiveness of our surgeries, as well as encourage recovery and avoid tendon deterioration. Let’s know more about ROTATOR CUP OR ROTATOR CUFF.
Watch the video to learn more about Rotator Cuff Tears and innovative treatment options.
Tendons are mostly made up of collagen, and a bio-inductive implant is a thin collagen sheet that is placed over a damaged rotator cuff to encourage the growth of new tissue. It functions as a scaffold, allowing new tendon tissue to grow over the tear once it is in place. A biological implant is not the same as a dental implant or a new hip or knee joint in the sense that it is not made of permanent solid material.

It’s a high-purity substance with unique biomechanical qualities that cause new tissue to remodel into tendon-like tissue with a linear orientation. As a result, it integrates entirely into the tendon over the next six months or more, leaving nothing but new, strong connective tendon tissue behind. These implants are also known as ‘bio-absorbable implants because of their feature.
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