Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Qualify for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: The purpose of minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery is to stabilize the vertebral bones and spinal joints and/or alleviate pressure on the spinal nerves, which is typically caused by problems such as spinal instability, bone spurs, ruptured discs, scoliosis, or spinal malignancies.

Minimally invasive spine surgery can be quicker, safer, and require less recovery time than open spine surgery. Because there is less stress to the muscles and soft tissues (in comparison to open treatments), the possible advantages are as follows:
- Smaller skin incisions produce better aesthetic outcomes (sometimes as small as several millimeters)
- Surgery results in less blood loss.
- Muscle injury is reduced since less or no muscle cutting is necessary.
- Reduced infection and postoperative pain risk
- Surgery recovery time is reduced, and rehabilitation is reduced.
- Reduced dependency on pain medicines following surgery
Furthermore, certain MIS operations are conducted as outpatient procedures with just local anesthetic, reducing the risk of an unfavorable reaction to general anesthesia.
- As with every surgical operation, no matter how minor, there are dangers involved. These hazards include, but are not limited to:
- Possible anesthetic adverse reaction
- During the surgery, there was unexpected blood loss.
- Localized infections, regardless of the size of the incision region
- And, while it is unusual, there is always a potential that the initial MIS surgery would fail, necessitating either a second treatment or full open surgery.
- What exactly is minimally invasive spine surgery, and do I qualify?
Back pain is one of the most frequent medical conditions that individuals face in the United States, and it can be crippling for those who suffer from it. “It may take a patient who lives an active lifestyle and basically turn them into couch potatoes who can’t do anything,” says Dr. Vipin Garg, a spinal specialist at the KLM Group Gwalior.
Dr. Vipin Garg specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery and treats patients with neck, back, and nerve pain. He has been with the KLM Group Gwalior Spine Center for 13 years.

Spine procedures have traditionally been conducted through large open wounds, which can result in major blood loss, lengthy hospital stays, and significant post-operative discomfort and impairment. However, the trend is shifting toward less intrusive surgery. This is surgery that achieves the same results as open surgery but with fewer incisions. As a result, the soft tissue envelope around the spine is less disturbed, resulting in less post-operative discomfort, less blood loss, and shorter hospital stays. Let’s discuss about how You Qualify for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
“My objective and drive in my profession is to develop techniques or treatments that are as non-destructive as possible,” says Dr. Vipin Garg. “We can get people back to work faster,” says Dr. Vipin Garg. “They require a far shorter hospital stay, less pain medication, and frequently less blood loss.” They return to work sooner and with less discomfort.”
Dr. Vipin Garg and his colleagues at the KLM Spine Center Gwalior are constantly aiming to be on the cutting edge of minimally invasive spine operations, he adds. Minimally invasive spine surgery is often performed through a one-inch-long incision in the low back.

Recently, the procedure has been refined to an even more minimally invasive technique utilizing endoscopic surgery. Endoscopic operations are performed with the help of a scope, or camera, similar to what surgeons use in a shoulder scope or knee scope. They can remove disc herniations, remove bone spurs, and treat various back and spine disorders using a scope that offers direct video pictures. Let’s discuss about how You Qualify for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
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In the case of nerve discomfort, the endoscopic treatment allows the doctor to “insert a camera into the spine through a little poking incision and really examine and pinpoint the targeted nerve.” It’s a lot more exact operation than the old one, in which surgeons utilize their understanding of anatomy rather than a visual picture to locate the nerve. Let’s discuss about how You Qualify for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

“We can burn that nerve under direct observation using a radio frequency probe or a laser and know that we’re absolutely targeting the targeted nerve that we’re going after,” Dr. Vipin Garg adds. “Through that technique, we’re able to relieve discomfort and provide relief to folks who have experienced back trouble for years.”
The Spine Center of Gwalior does laser spine surgery and various endoscopic treatments, and it is one of the few clinics in the region with the necessary technology.
If you’d like to learn more about minimally invasive spine procedures, please book an appointment or contact one of our spine care professionals to get started on your treatment plan right now.
KLM Group’s managing director is Dr. Vipin. He is a well-known Orthopedic Surgeon with a gold medal. In gwalior, renowned for his trustworthy and focused attitude, be guaranteed of superior healthcare and world-class medical services in Orthopaedic, Spine care In gwalior, Ophthalmology, X-ray & Diagnostics services, as well as physiotherapy services.

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Email: info@klmgrou
Ph: 0751-4000721,Mob: 7804826825
Address: 12, Saraswati Nagar, University Road, Near Silver Estate, Thatipur,
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